My Perfect Breakdown


Everyone knows that I am horrible at saying no.  (Except to Little MPB when he attempts to throw himself off some sort of furniture or throw his food across the room.  I am actually pretty good at saying and sometimes yelling no in those circumstances.) But when it comes to work, I always say yes. But about a month ago I told Mr. MPB I am done accepting new work until 2019. … Read More

Little MPB is a pretty decent sleeper.  So every single night he goes to bed at about 7pm, and 96.4% of the time he is asleep by 7:05pm.  This means, the Adult MPB’s spend our evenings at home watching TV, reading news on our phones, playing games on our phones and generally just being exhausted. But this weekend Mr. MPB went away for an annual guys camping trip. Which meant, after a fun… Read More