My Perfect Breakdown


Yesterday I shared that we said no to the donor embryo’s.  But, I neglected to mention a few things, because I felt it most important to share that we had made a decision.  But, like most things, there was even more that we considered and decided/realized in coming to our decision. First, the other family who is interested in the embryo’s indicated they may be willing to be a gestational carrier for us in… Read More

It took us months.  In many ways this decision has been scary for me because it feels so final. In fact, once we made the decision it took me a full two weeks before I could tell them.  I was so afraid it would be the wrong decision I felt paralyzed.  Mr. MPB gave me the time and space I needed, and so did our friends. In the end, Mr. MPB and I have said no to the donor… Read More