My Perfect Breakdown


Little MPB really don’t understand the role adoption plays in his life, yet. He’s not even three years old, how could he? But, all the adults involved do understand. To be clear, I cannot and will not speak for birth parents/families, but I will speak to our experience as adoptive parents. Specifically, today I want to talk specifically about two of our roles as adoptive parents in an open adoption: Keep lines… Read More

WordPress just informed that it’s been 4 years since I started my blog.  4 years!!! Gosh, how is that even possible? In those 4 years we: Had our 5th and last miscarriage. Went out of country to NYC to get specialized recurrent pregnancy loss medical diagnosis.  Chose not to pursue treatment for multiple reasons. Endured hurt and drama due unsupportive family and friends. Chose to pursue international infant open adoption to grow our… Read More