My Immune System Has Gone AWOL

I was always told that once a child starts daycare they are sick constantly, which means the family is sick constantly as they bring all the daycare germs home with them.

So, here’s what I don’t understand.  Baby MPB is not in daycare.  In fact, Baby MPB is perfectly healthy, having only been sick twice in his lifetime (thankfully).

But, me, I’ve been sick more times then I can count since becoming a mother.  I’m currently on my third illness in 5 weeks.  This most recent illness has been debilitating and I’ve actually ended up taking multiple sick days – cancelling work commitments, avoiding phone calls and skipping spin class so that I can sleep on the couch all day long.  Outside of having miscarriages, I’ve actually never spent so much daylight time sleeping on the couch. Heck, I’m coughing so badly I’ve been sleeping on the couch in the basement for the last week as to not wake up Mr. MPB and Baby MPB.  It’s been brutal.  In fact, it got so bad that Mr. MPB actually encouraged me to go to the doctor for fear that I might have some sort of modern day plague.

So, after 10 days of being sick, I finally broke down and my doctor has prescribed antibiotics.  This is the second round of antibiotics for me this year – I don’t even know the last time I was on antibiotics before Baby MPB – it had been at least 5 years ago, if not longer.  Anyways, I seem to have another chest infection, probably bronchitis, which leaves me less then impressed at the moment.

So, can someone please explain to me why my immune system has decided to go completely awol?  And, how exactly do I get my immune system to return to normal?

I miss being healthy.

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33 Comments on “My Immune System Has Gone AWOL

  1. Ugh I feel your pain. The germs came when mine went to daycare. I will say, it has gotten better in the past 2 months. Slowly. I think they are carriers. They touch shopping carts, run their hands along things and carry it all home. We come home and wash our hands, they do not. Then their little, cute hands go and touch all the things in our home. Their little immune systems are learning to fight it all while ours are going “WTF is this random germ in our house?! I must come close to death to survive it.” At least that is how I look at it. 🙂

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  2. You just underwent surgery my dear. Your immune system takes a hit when you pump yourself with meds and painkillers. Your body needs time to recover and perhaps you are stressing it out.

    For now, to beat multiple infections, lysol the crap out of your kitchen and office and washrooms. And drink lots of fluids, plenty of chicken soup and loads of rest. And UP your vitamin C. Helps with immunity.
    Back home, we always take local honey in winter. Has to be local though, whatever viruses ans bacteria are looming around go through the bee’s gut first.


    • I am going to buy local honey at the farmers market let this weekend!!
      And I’m already doing everything else on your list so hopefully this isn’t going to last forever!
      Thanks for your thoughts and suggestions! 😊


  3. Eeek! Poor you! I can imagine being a mother of a tiny one also runs you down a bit… I bet you don’t get the uninterrupted sleep you used to get! I think lack of sleep often doesn’t help. It’s a great thing that baby is so well though! I hope you feel better soon! x

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  4. Have you ever had your vitamin d levels checked? It plays a huge part in your immune health. C and zinc are great too, as I’m sure you know. You’ve had a lot of constant stress lately with working full time and parenting a young baby. It would probably do you wonders to spend a couple hours in the bath soaking in Epsom salts. I hope you feel better soon.

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  5. Oh man no fun! Especially being sick back to back to back. That’s awful. I hope it’s taken care of after this round of antibiotics.

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  6. I wish I had an answer as I seem to be battling more sickness than usual. I got hit with 2 sinus infections this last pregnancy and just last week got my daughter’s pink eye and an ear infection. I’m sorry you’re fighting one after another – it’s tough when you have stuff to do and don’t feel well enough to get it done.

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  7. I’m sorry you’ve been sick so often! I’m finding that super frustrating too. Whenever I have to go to a doctor/walk-in clinic either for me or baby, they always ask if she’s in daycare. She’s not but we go to a lot of different playgroups. Do you guys too? I was feeling a bit of mom guilt about this. I want her to be able to get out and hang out with other babies, but the other side of this is all the germs!!! Hope your antibiotics work well and you feel better soon.

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    • Like you, we arent in daycare yet. But we do swimming each week and go to lots of public places so he’s exposed from all of that. What surprises me though is that he’s healthy through it all!! I’m pretty sure he picks up the germs and shares them with me and my body evidently cannot handle it.
      Thanks for the well wishes – I too hope I feel better soon! 😊

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  8. Hope you feel better soon! Rest is key for immunity, something that babies aren’t great at letting you get. Hopefully the sicknesses get less frequent over the next few months!

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  9. Stress and little sleep. They both can have a devastating effect on the body and the immune system. Since having my three kids I’m constantly sick as I haven’t gotten enough rest for seven years. Motherhood is definitely worth it but, man, does it wreck your health.

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  10. Because you are exhausted, my dear! You work and take care of a baby, both physically and emotionally. Probably sleep deprived and of course, health has weakened. Maybe you are not eating well, in addition to all.

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  11. I totally feel ya, girl. I’ve been sick for basically the whole month of November. It started with a massive sinus infection that has whittled down to a cough, just in time for my period. I think allergies have been worse for me this year in general. Plus, I haven’t been eating local honey like I should. Maybe I’m just getting older and can’t bounce back like I used to. Hopen you feel better!

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  12. Poor thing – pediatric illnesses are brutal. Having worked in Pediatrics for the last 30 years I have been exposed to everything had Rubella in my 20s, Mono in my 40s, had every type of gastrointestinal bug that came through, had Pertussis in my 50s (despite being immunized with a booster 6 months prior). And the most unfair thing, is the bug that slows down the average child, will knock an adult off their feet for a week. It will get better, in time. As far as your cough goes, have you been tested for Pertussis? Thanks to all the people that are refusing to immunized their children, we no longer have that “herd immunity” and Pertussis is on the rise. Hope you feel better soon!!!!!


  13. Agh, I am so sorry! Just catching up from a long hiatus and it sounds like you’ve been hit hard! Hope you are starting to feel better now. Having a small child and being sick is very hard! Xx

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  14. My first year was like this too. Both me and my husband were sick all the time. And k would get sick for a few days but we would be down for a week! I chalked it up to being beaten down by not getting enough sleep. The only time I got sleep was when I was sick lol. Hope you feel better soon!

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  15. Girl…we need to get you some Thieves! Rub it on your feet each morning to help boost your immune system! J and I put a drop in our Ningxia Red juice every morning and I have a roller ball of carrier oil and 4-5 drops of thieves that I roll on A’s feet every morning. I can’t speak for A yet, but J and I rarely get sick even with being in daycare and teaching. I keep A away from the other kids as much as I can, but they often lean over her or touch her hands if she’s in the rock and play and so far, none of their colds have moved to her. I swear by it!!! 🙂

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