
I am not a shopper.  In fact, I’d go so far as to say that I despise shopping.

I am okay with grocery shopping because it’s a basic life necessity.  I’m also much better at it then Mr. MPB – I shop sales and buy based on what’s on sale where as he shops based on his stomach at the time.  But alas, I digress, our grocery shopping styles is most definitely not the point.

I am also great at online shopping – the more I can have arrive at my door, the happier I am.  Amazon and I are essentially best friends at this point.  Especially for all things baby, where they are wonderfully priced (except clothing because does not sell much at all for baby clothing).

Anyways, about once a year I break down and decide it’s time to go shopping for myself.  And evidently that happened last week.  I finally broke down and bought myself a new winter jacket when I found one of last year’s style for a steal online (I’ve been looking for one for a few years now and get frustrated at the cost of them, so last years style for a fraction of the cost made perfect sense to me).  I bought myself a sweater and mittens from an online store in Iceland that I was too cheap to buy when we were there (hopefully they arrive soon).  I even went into a mall and bought myself 2 sweaters, 2 nice non-mommy jeans (Black Friday sale of course), an amazing poncho/wrap for work (that I spent way too much money on, but I absolutely love it and as an added bonus it was ethically made in Nepal) and a new Little MPB proof bathing suit (I hope).  Oh, and I even bought myself a new watch on Black Friday.  Seriously, I’ve done more shopping in one month, then I’ve done in the last 12 months combined.

And, three things of note happened.

First, I fit a size of jeans that I have not fit in years – as in more years then I can remember – I’m actually wondering if they have simply changed how they label clothing?  But I do think realistically, fitness and eating healthy have been part of the cause.  Also, clearly the illness induced starvation plan resulted in some additional weight loss.  It was not the best approach to loosing weight, but I’m not complaining.

Second, shopping without a toddler in tow is so much more enjoyable!  I will always hate shopping, but my gosh, trying on clothing with Little MPB is nothing short of torture to be avoided at all costs.  

Third, I’ll admit, I feel a bit better wearing clothing that actually fits me properly!  Because I’m cheap, I hate spending money on myself.  But, it’s amazing what a few new pieces of clothing can do to how one feels about themselves!  Maybe this is considered a bit of self-care?

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9 Comments on “Shopping

  1. We are kindred shopping spirits. I have maybe a couple times a year that I feel like shopping for myself and then I’m getting whole outfits at a time. But for the most part, I’m not a shopper either. (Unless online or grocery. I might get a high when I hit way below the budgeted goal for our groceries that week)

    Liked by 2 people

  2. That poncho is adorable!!!

    And we are like the same person. I love Amazon. So so much. And I NEVER buy myself anything. And if I do, I dwell on it for a while wondering if I REALLY needed it… And getting a good deal is the most warm fuzzy feeling ever!!! It really is a high like Katy said!!

    Enjoy your new clothes! You deserve them!!

    PS – If you do a lot of online shopping, I highly suggest ebates

    I use it all of the time, and make a few extra bucks, and they send actual checks, not “Points to redeem for gift cards” etc.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ve waited until the kids are in daycare to head out shopping in the past. But pants that actually fit are always more comfortable.


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