Home Sweet Home

We made it home late Saturday night.  Again, nothing went according to plan. But we made it and honestly, that’s all either of us care about at this point.

First, our first flight was delayed.  As we watched the updates all notifying us of further delays, we couldn’t help but wonder if we’d be able to catch our connecting flight or be stuck in yet another major USA city for a night. But, the good news is we made our connecting flight with just enough time to grab a Starbucks as we walked between gates (thankfully).

Second, our friends who were supposed to pick us up at the airport, with our Canadian car seat and a tiny snowsuit for Baby MPB couldn’t make it to the airport.  As we donated our USA car seat before returning to Canada we absolutely needed someone with a car seat to pick us up to get Baby MPB home safely.  And given the weather we needed a snow-suit (the one we brought with us was way too big for our little guy).  So a cab really wasn’t an option.  And, surprisingly and frustratingly, our back-up friends were also away. But, we called another friend who was just thrilled to pick us up and let Baby MPB borrow their infant car seat to get home.  Our friend even brought one of their kids adorable little snow suits for him to stay warm.  And, since they have a baby girl it was bright pink, which made me smile.  But, I guess the cold Canadian winter was a bit of shock to Baby MPB as he screamed bloody murder when we walked out of the airport to take about 5 steps to our friends car.

Third, we had Canadian customs and immigration to worry about.  I had submitted the Canadian forms weeks ago but had not heard anything back so I was pretty nervous about this part.  I was once told is easier to bring an adopted child into Canada then a banana, but I just wasn’t convinced.  Seriously, what if something went wrong?  How in the world would we ever get it fixed?  Could they send us back to the USA to deal with a possible error with the paperwork?   Evidently because all our documentation was in order, even though no-one from immigration bothered to tell me that, it really was a breeze.  We were through in a matter of minutes.


By the time we walked into our house, it was almost midnight.  Our friend who picked-us up helped Mr. MPB carry all our bags inside as I tended to Baby MPB.  Our friend took our first family photo together at home and stayed for a beer to visit and snuggle Baby MPB.

It is so nice to be home!

Yet, what struck me the most over the last few days is that I wasn’t at all excited to be home.  Rather, I am simply relieved.  I feel like the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders and that we can finally start living.  Our horrible agency is finally done insanely dictating our lives and we have our freedom back.  And we have our son home.  Life with an infant is crazy, but life with an infant in hotels with others dictating our every move was far less then ideal.  But now, now the chaos is done!

Just being home seemed to give us some energy, which was very much needed as the flood of visitors started early Sunday morning.  Family, friends and neighbours all dropped by throughout the day.  As the visitors come through the door one thing became very evident to me, no-matter the differences I may have with some of my family, they love Baby MPB.  And so, I starting taking a picture of every single person who visits and loves Baby MPB so that one day I can show him just how loved he was/is.

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70 Comments on “Home Sweet Home

  1. Flipping Brilliant News! Congratulations and welcome home. Enjoy it, you deserve this. Much love xxx


  2. So glad you are home! It sounds like things went relatively smoothly especially once arriving home. I am so very happy for you guys and hope that the next few weeks at home are just blissful! Congratulations!


  3. Yay! I’m so happy for you that you’re finally home!

    I have a product suggestion for an infant in cold weather climate: the 7 am enfant car seat cover. It fits over the infant carrier like a shower cap so it isn’t dangerous like car seat covers that interfere with the straps. It’s SO warm! I also have their 212 blanket which fits in the car seat. Really perfect for keeping wee ones nice and toasty! I’d send you my shower cap cover if you want…it’s pink! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I love your advice, thank you! We had a friend drop off one that they used with their kids, so we will try that one first since it’s here and free. I we don’t like it, I’ll absolutely try the one you recommend! Thanks so much for the suggestion!!


  4. this was the update I was waiting and praying for. I am so thrilled that you three now get to experience the chaos of just…. normalcy. the best news I could have read this morning. thank you for letting all of us know that you made it home safe and sound! I wish all of us in the blogging world could send a picture – baby MPB is certainly much loved by all. ❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    • The chaos of normalcy sounds amazing!! Thank you so very much for all your love, your support and kind words of encouragement! I too wish Baby MPB could have a picture of everyone in the blogging world loving him! But,one day reading all of this will be more then enough for him! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. How wonderful to be home and be able to share Baby MPB with everyone!

    Please do not feel the need to blog daily. Motherhood is tough, busy, exhausting. We all will understand if you fall off the face of the earth for a bit. 😉

    Welcome home!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hooray! I am so excited and happy for you that you are back home with your baby and that despite a number of glitches along the way in this process that you still got to the goal in the end. Life is good. Enjoy every moment!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. YAY! I am SO glad you have made it home! Now your life with baby MPB can truly begin…away from all the adoption work, border and travel worries, etc…Home has probably never felt so sweet!

    PS – He better get used to the Canadian winters mighty quick! lol

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I am so so so happy for you guys that I have tears in my eyes! You made it and you did it. Welcome home.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Some previous intercountry adopter once told me that i wouldn;t completely relax until I was through immigration and out the other side of the airport. How right they were. No feeling like that “ahhhhhh” of relaxation of finally being home. Congratulations – you’ve reached the end of the beginning now starts the beginning of the middle!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. This is the post I’ve been waiting and watching for. I am beyond thrilled for you and your family. Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Welcome home baby MPB! My heart swells with joy as it to hears how much love you are getting and how eager everyone is to meet you! You are home!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I am so so so glad that you guys made it home with relatively few MAJOR obstacles (ie immigration paperwork not being in or missing a flight). I know that you are so glad to be home and I’m sure it’s easier to take care of Baby MPB in your own home.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Welcome hime that is amazing. I can’t imagine living in hotels with the baby, let alone all the car rides and airports. You guys are incredible. Welcome home Baby MPB.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Yay!! I kept thinking all weekend if you made it home And yes you all did 🙂
    Now a big question, what direction will your blog take? Will we get more updates on how you and baby MPB are bonding? Mommy stories maybe? Eager to read more on your new life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Congratulations on your little boy! What a lucky little person. Wishing you all the very best in these busy, overwhelming, joyous, transitional, miraculous, stressful and profoundly binding days 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  16. So glad you guys are home and can finally start to normalise your family routine. You have gone through so much to get here that I am not surprised you feel great relief 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I’m catching up. I can’t fully process the fact that YOU ARE HOME WITH YOUR BABY. !!!!!!!!!! {a billion exclamation points}

    Liked by 1 person

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