Ready or Not, Here We Go

I’ve been slightly dishonest. Or maybe not dishonest, rather just too busy to properly update.

So, without further adieu, I’ll start today by saying:

Ready or not, here we go!

Our adoption is moving forward again!

We have now officially crossed the border and are working essentially exclusively in the USA now!

This is huge! Like this is a massively huge step, and that might still be an understatement.


Somehow, while our house felt like it was falling apart thanks to our basement flooding and subsequent emergency repairs, our adoption stuff 20150506 - I Want My Freedom Backalso started moving again and at the same time I have picked up a few clients so I’m working a bit more. So, now I find myself juggling and trying really hard not to drop anything.

Needless to say things have been slightly chaotic, but in the chaos we have managed to get our dossier across the border and approved by our agency. I could bore you with the details, but honestly, I’d rather just focus on the exciting stuff.

So, now that things are moving forward what does it actually mean to us?

First, we officially start bleeding money. The Canadian side of our adoption is surprisingly cheap in the scheme of international adoption (less than $4000 USD), so crossing the border means we start putting real big sums of money down. Somehow, this makes it feel so much more real to me. Somehow I now feel like this is really happening!

Second, we are now working with a designer to create our profile book. This should be done within about 3-4 weeks. (Sadly, I won’t be able to share it with my readers, it is illegal for Canadians in my province to advertise our adoption online). Once our book is done, we will be shown to potential birth mom’s!

We can expect us to be matched with a birth mother within the next 6-12 months! Seriously, 6-12 months!!

In my excitement I  almost want to rush out and buy all things baby so that our baby comes home to a near perfect nursery.

I have heart palpitations just thinking about that timeline.  I will be a mom, Mr. MPB will be a dad.  And we could will be parents pretty darn quickly!! Holey, after everything, we will actually be responsible for a little life – that’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time. But today, I am just going to hold onto the exciting emotions and repress the terrifying stuff.  I simply want to soak in the excitement, and bask in the hope!  I want to daydream of future adorable baby snuggles and cute toddler antics.

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117 Comments on “Ready or Not, Here We Go

    I am so excited to read this lovely!!!
    That’s incredibly exciting. Here’s hoping everything progresses quickly for you guys.


  2. Ahhhh!!!!! If I wasn’t sitting and typing, I’d be jumping up and down for you!!!! This is so exciting and that is a great expected match time! So happy that things are moving forward and that you are getting some more work. 🙂 We just found out yesterday that are classes are scheduled for June 15th &16th and we will get our profile books there to start working on them. I’m hoping I can get all our paperwork done by then to turn in. Sending you lots of hugs and love and prayers that things continue to move forward and smoothly!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much my friend. I am so excited, and just reading your excitement makes me even more excited!
      And June 15th & 16th is just around the corner! You will be holding your baby soon too!! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Eeeeeee!!!!! 6-12 months!!!! That is amazing news and so, so exciting!!!!!!!!!! So pleased for you both and SO excited! x


    • Thank you so much Faye!! We are so excited to! Right now, 6-12 months feels like it will happen in a blink of an eye. Yet, something tells me after a month or 2 or waiting I’ll be going crazy. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. That’s awesome that things are moving forward. It’s a great feeling when they are. Best wishes to you both.


  5. Yaaaay that’s so exciting! I bet it feels more real now that you have a timeline 🙂


  6. Ahhh, thats brilliant news!!! See – our comments about next Mother’s Day are coming true already!! Im so happy for you both, this is just amazing news 🙂 xxx


  7. Woohoo!!! This is fantastic! Congrats again on the new clients and on progress on the adoption front! It sounds like everything is coming together nicely. In 6-12 months, your nursery could be filled with the cries of a child that is YOURS!!


  8. Yay!!!!! I’m so excited for you!!! Sad that you can’t share pictures of your book you make with us, but I’m sure it will be beautiful. I hope that they get things done quickly and match you with someone fast, so you can have that baby as quick as possible! I can’t even tell you how happy I am for you guys!!! Congrats!


  9. My heart just grew three sizes! This news made my day. Go shop before they take all your money! 🙂


  10. YAY!! That makes me so happy. I am so excited for you guys. I hope you get to hold your baby in your arms very soon. Sending you a big hug!


  11. That’s AMAZING! Congratulations! 6-12 months is so soon! Next Mother’s Day is going to be quite a treat. 🙂


  12. This is SO exciting!!! 6-12 months!! That’s so soon! I haven’t been on WP lately, so I need to go back and catch up! Oh, man, it would be hard not to go to buy the whole nursery and baby loot right now! i’m just so so happy for you guys. ❤ mwah!


  13. That is such exciting news!! I hope that everything continues to run smoothly. Keep us updated.


    • It really is exciting, eh?! Than you so much for your happiness and excitement! As for the timeline, I am so hopeful that it will actually happen that quickly! 🙂


  14. THIS!!!!!!!!!!! OMG this makes me wanna jump around and dance and party!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EEEP! So stinkin’ exciting!!!! XO


    • I don’t know the laws for all the provinces, just mine. Since it’s provincially regulated, it could very well just be my province.
      And yes, I sure hope the 6-12 months flies by!! 🙂


  15. Omg omg!!! Super excited for you! I think it must be so lovely to make a book for your child. It’s something they’ll be able to treasure for life. I would love that. X


    • Thank you!! We will get a few copies of the profile book and we plan to keep them for our child to see what our life was like before they arrived and to be able to read our hopes and dreams for them. It’s weird to put it together, but I do hope they appreciate it one day. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • They will LOVE it. Who wouldn’t love a book all about them? And their parents before? I went so far a few years ago to get one of those gift books where it’s like a letter (book!) from your mum (or other significant family member) to you. There are lots of questions and blank pages for them to write their memories. I got it for my mum and she filled it in for me. It’s nice to have a record!

        Another idea – we came from that way but not from this country – we had Korean “wedding chests”. It’s a tradition there apparently. They are these ornate trunks and our parents put all stuff from our childhood in them. When we were little it was the things we had on when we were handed over (a little dress), birth certificate, bootees knitted by a family member, etc. A bit older it was books we had loved, a photo album. It was like through my life my mum had compiled little mementos. It was just always there. And when I got married I took possession of it. It had my favourite childhood toys added. It was kind of weird as I’d never really thought about it and there was all this stuff from my childhood that I had sort of forgotten about. But nice. 🙂


  16. I am so, so, so, SOOOOOO excited for you!! And I can tell by the tone of your post that you are thrilled as well. YAY!!!!


  17. Pingback: Sharing Adoption Progress & Excitement | My Perfect Breakdown

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