Top to Tail

Do you know what it not going to make this week any better?

I have my colonoscopy and gastroscopy tomorrow – top to tail as they like to call it.

As of last night when I went to bed, I am done with basically all food until tomorrow evening.  I’m already grouchy.  And, I’m really just at the start of the process.

I am officially on a clear liquid diet – Gatorade, white grape juice, apple juice, herbal tea, and chicken broth.

Tonight I start the “clean-out” process.  If you’ve never had to drink Colyte before, consider yourself incredibly fortunate!  I’m expecting a night with very little sleep and a whole lot of time in the bathroom.

Having done this before, I can assure you, the next 36 hours of my life are going to be miserable.

But, here’s to hoping I get some answers that are easily fixable.

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25 Comments on “Top to Tail

      • Nothing specific that I can think of since you don’t have a diagnosis. Make sure you bring a list of questions along with a list of symptoms, and a list of any medications/supplements/allergies (time saver), and if you can get your hands on any lab results/medical records re:your current issue, always best to take them with you just in case the doc is unprepared (hasn’t looked at your file prior to seeing you) then you can whip them out and reference them. XOXO


  1. I hope it goes by fast. I know when I did mine, it certainly did not go fast. Well, the time didn’t. chicken broth and lemon jello. I still don’t like jello!!

    Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve never had to do the “tail” end, but have done the “top”. Not the most fun experience, but hopefully it will give you the answers you are looking for.


  3. Good luck tomorrow! I hope they give you the perfect amount of sedation (I now work as an RN in a procedure center and we do lots of these).


    • Last time I told them I’d need more sedation, they ignored me. I think I wasn’t the nicest patient they had that day, unfortunately. I hope this time they listen because I always become fully awake right in the middle of the procedure and I do not enjoy that at all!!
      Any tips on making the prep less horrible? 🙂


      • No tips on the prep…it just sucks. But if you can tell them beforehand that you were uncomfortable last time they may do a better job this time! (Unfortunately I may be writing this to you too late)! I hope it went well!!


      • And don’t worry about being nice. It’s their job to take good care of you and make you comfortable!


  4. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Take care. I have had the top end done once, not fun. Good luck, and hoping for plenty of answers soon.


  5. Ugh, I’m sorry. I don’t remember the name of the stuff I had to drink before my colonoscopy last year, but it was horrible. It was like overly sweetened Sprite, and I had to drink two liters of it total. I’m guessing that’s pretty similar to what you have to do. Also clear liquids only for 24 hours. So horrible! I truly hope that this gives you some answers as to what’s been going on with you!! Hang in there, and feel free to vent/cry/whine to me if you need to!


  6. Ugh. I have never personally had to drink Colyte or anything like it, but I saw plenty of patients who had to when I was a hospital nurse. No fun.

    On the plus side, perhaps these tests will reveal the cause(s) of the problems you’ve been living with so long, permitting effective treatment. Hang in there.


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