An Evening Out

In the complete madness of my life right now (due to too much work and too little time which I knowingly signed up for, so I really shouldn’t be complaining), I have decided Mr. MPB and I need an evening out together, since our last date night was back in 2016.

I still don’t have any idea what our evening out will entail.  Do we just go out to dinner?  Do we go for dinner and a movie?  But, what movie?  The only movie that’s out right now that I’m remotely interested in is Beauty & the Best.  But I can assure you Mr. MPB isn’t too keen on spending his first evening out in months watching Beauty & the Best.  So, needless to say, I’m curious what do other adults do on date nights without their child(ren) along for the evening?

I’m kind of excited to spend an evening out with Mr. MPB!  It’ll be fun to eat dinner at an adult restaurant with a decent wine menu and without trying to feed a very active toddler with an audience!


But going out for an evening means we also have to hire childcare.  We live in a city without any family nearby, so paid childcare is our only options.

When I decided we needed a night out, I just called our old nanny.  She’s moved on to a great new job (as I knew she would) but she’s still happy to spend some time with Little MPB.  Since we have no plans for our night out, I asked her what night she’s available and we set the date based on her schedule. And so, our old nanny is coming to spend an evening with Little MPB!  I’m convinced he is going to be so happy to see her!  But, I’m also slightly worried that this might really confuse him.  He’s not at an age where I can explain to him that she’s just coming back for one evening, so all we can do is hope that it goes well!

I wont lie, even if he’s confused, it’s nice knowing that when we go out for an evening that Little MPB is going to be well taken care of!  When she’s with Little MPB, I just know I don’t have to obsessively worry, and that’s a major relief!

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10 Comments on “An Evening Out

  1. We did pottery night once . Loved it. We both got to share the pottery wheel (Nothing like the Ghost) but it was nice to connect to our fun selves. Also, are there any board game rooms in your city?
    I am excited for the both of you, its a much needed break..

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  2. Date nights are super important! We had a date night about two weeks ago. Went to a nice steakhouse where I had enough wine to get a very good buzz going. We decided we were adults and could handle a 9:15pm movie! hahahahaha jokes on me. They have those nice recliner seats and I laid back in that sucker with a full belly of steak and wine and promptly fell asleep. My husband nudged me awake a few times but otherwise he really enjoyed…..Beauty and the Beast:) We also have a comedy club here we really love going to or we take an afternoon and go golfing now that it is nice out. I also second what the other person said about the board game rooms. Nice to sit and chat, have a beverage and play a game. Very calming:) Either way, enjoy yourselves!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How fun!! I can just picture his little face lighting up when he sees her. 😊 I hope you have a great night! I have no suggestions for you…I’d honestly be happy just to have a quiet dinner out without hearing a baby scream because I’m trying to eat and not playing with her! 😒

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  4. You guys have fun no matter what you do! Walt and I haven’t had a date night in a long time but if we could I think we’d go to dinner and perhaps a baseball game or to see live music. I can envision me drinking lots of good beer! 😉 it’s so great that you have the former nanny to sit for you. Like you we have no family in the area and the only people I’ve had watch Luke (well one lady) has a one year old so going out at night hasn’t happened. Can’t wait to hear what you guys end up doing!

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  5. You sound so much like me! The last time Eric and I had time alone together was an afternoon, and we have no idea what to do. We looked at movies but nothing good was playing. We needed up having lunch out and then wandering some shops on Main St. which I’m sure bored Eric. Pathetic that we had time to ourselves and had no clue what to do… And I totally hear you on always having to pay someone if you want time without your children, Not having family here to watch our girls is getting old…

    Liked by 1 person

  6. As the girls grow, I start to realize how AFRAID of people I am. I have never hired help or left them with strangers (EVER) and, if I could I would homeschool them… It’s nice to see other people doing it, for sure!
    I’m starting to think this is my panic disorder talking. Great… one more thing on my ” list of shit to fix inside my head” !

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  7. Date nights are vital! I vote for a fun dinner then live music and drinks! I think movies are nice but you don’t get to connect watching one.

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  8. Enjoy your date night! Our first date night out after our son was born we went out for sushi and then walked around the new Whole Foods Market in our town. It was exciting haha.

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