My 12 Step Program to Ending A Post Christmas Pity-Party

1. Drink. A nice glass of wine (or two) goes a long way!!

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2. Say good bye to your Christmas house guests. In-laws can be tough at the best of time, don’t keep them around for longer then you have to. Smile the whole way home from the airport!

3. Sleep-in. (After indulging in step 1, this may be particularly useful).

4. Eat Christmas leftovers. This will help you enjoy your first free evening back in your home without feeling like you have to work and entertain.

5. Enjoy the gifts you received that you like. Return and exchange bad gifts for things you actually want! And, if you need to, buy yourself something nice – maybe some cute boots or a nice sweater.

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6. Pack-up all things Christmas for another year. Put your house back into its normal non-Christmas state, and enjoy the simplicity of your normal routine.

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7. Find a nice furry animal (ideally a dog or cat or other cute animal) and snuggle. I’m sure some scientist somewhere has proven how valuable this activity is for reducing anxiety.


8. Remember the simple things that make you happy. Write a list. It may even help to replicate something happy to force yourself to smile and get you feeling a bit better. (I personally enjoy a hot bath, playing good music, or watching classic TV shows).

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9. Run. Run hard and run fast. Exercise goes a long way to a healthy mental state, and as an added bonus it will help you forget all that rich Christmas food that you ate way too much of.

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10. Look forward and don’t dwell. Remember and acknowledge your past good and bad, but remember to focus on your future. Remember to have hope for a better day tomorrow.

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11. Hug your husband (or wife), and maybe do a little bit more too (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). This one is pretty self-explanatory.

12. Start scouting out Christmas vacations for next year. Look forward with excitement at missing all the family drama, anxiety and stress next year. Sunny and hot destinations are a good idea, particularly for those of us enduring harsh winters.

Pacific Ocean

Pacific Ocean

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17 Comments on “My 12 Step Program to Ending A Post Christmas Pity-Party

  1. That is an amazing list. Our house guests leave sometime this week and I cannot wait to reset my house and get back in our routine! Love it all, soak it in girl!


    • I am sitting, curled up in my favourite chair, basking in the peace and quite of having my house back. I feel like a weight has been lifted – 1000 times better!
      The tree will probably come down today, running will start this afternoon, and my routine will return. It will be glorious! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: My Not So Happy Day | My Perfect Breakdown

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