What Will Be Will be

I want to dictate the outcome.

I want life to go according to my plan.

I want to overcome whatever stands in my way.

I want control.


Funny thing, life.

Life, simple doesn’t work that way.


Try as I might.

Life simply is not mine to control.

And oh how I’ve tried!


Life unfolds, handing us situations along the way.

It is my choice how to respond to a set of circumstances.

Rather than putting energy into controlling things beyond my control.


Today I promise, I will try to embrace the unknown.

I will enjoy the ride.


Because what will be will be.

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17 Comments on “What Will Be Will be

  1. There are certain things you can control and others you can’t. It’s really hard but I focus on working on the things I can control and do my best to let go of the things I can’t. It’s difficult work and I fall short often.

    Sending you strength.


    • I agree, it is so hard to focus on what we can control and letting go of what we cannot. I really struggle with this, so it is something I want to keep working on and learn to do better. Wishing you the best with it too! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Wishing you so much peace with remembering that you cannot control the outcome as you move into your FET – I can only imagine how hard it will be at times, but I know you will do great 🙂


    • Oh, now I’m going to have that song in my head too!
      Love to you, and I hope we can both learn to let it go. (and now I’m going to have that song in my head too). 🙂


  2. It’s funny how we think we have so much control, when we really have so little. What we do control though…is how we respond to things Out of our control. And That is huge. I try to lead with heart and lean in with grace. It isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it.

    Blessings to you, friend,


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