Guest Blog: Surviving & Living After Infertility by My Perfect Breakdown

Justine at Ever Upward, a dear friend and inspirational women, honoured me with a request to guest post on her blog I am touched that she asked me to write for her and her audience. And today, I am humbled to see my words and thoughts grace her blog. Thank you Justine.

Ever Upward™

The friendships I have found and nourished over the last year and a half of blogging have literally changed my life and also been a huge part of my recovery. I have reached out to several friends in hopes they would be willing to write guest posts for me these next three months while I build momentum up for the bookstore release of Ever Upward on April 7th. Here is the first from my dear friend over at My Perfect Breakdown.

Our stories nothing alike and yet very much the same. I feel lucky and so grateful to have her in my life as she challenges me, helps me grow and learn and frankly just loves and supports me. As I hope I do for her also. The universe was on our side back in October when we both happened to be in NYC at the same time and…

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6 Comments on “Guest Blog: Surviving & Living After Infertility by My Perfect Breakdown

  1. What a beautiful, raw, emotionally honest post that captures where I feel I am, even though I’m still “in it.” I have reached my ENOUGH. I just have to do something with these 8 tiny potential beings in the freezer before I can own my ENOUGH. All of your thoughts on how it feels to get to this point, and what this point is, and how you can nurture yourself to heal as you head to whatever lies ahead are so wise and resonate so clearly with me right now. Thank you for sharing this guest blog–I don’t doubt it will help a lot of people sift through the complicated mess that is being at ENOUGH.


    • I think its such a critical point in our IF/RPL journeys to know when we have reached our enough and to be able to start to admit that to ourselves and our loved ones. I know for me, it was a turning point and since then I have been able to start focusing on healing and reclaiming my life.
      I hope you too can start to focus on healing and living, even while you are still “in it.” It’s hard to do, I failed miserably at it, but I think its so important and I wish you the best as you work through this challenging time. Love and hugs to you.


  2. I love your approach- how reclaiming your life is your focus. You captured so well the degradation of who we are through this infertility process, and how when we look into the mirror, we barely recognize who we have become. I know that I certainly feel this way, and I am ashamed of it.


    • I am so sorry that you can relate to so much of this. (I’m not surprised that you can, I just hate that you know these feelings all too well).
      I wish that IF, baby loss, and RPL were something society talked about, so that non-IF people could better support those of us going through this and reduce our internalized feelings of shame. Much love to you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Dani. Baby loss will forever change a person and has undoubtedly affected me deeply. But, I am determined to survive it and for me that means seeing the light through all of the heartache and grief.
      Love to you.

      Liked by 1 person

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