3 Heartbreaking Words

Little MPB did not enjoy his first daycare drop-off after a full week at home.

To be honest, I knew it was going to be a tough drop off because for the last few weeks he’s been upset almost daily.  But, I knew this one, after a week at home, would be so horrible that I just refused to do it.  I knew if I attempted the drop off, I’d end up in tears and probably bringing Little MPB back home with me – I just don’t have the heart to do it.  So, Mr. MPB did the drop off while I worked – thank god for him!

Anyways, I’m told it was even worse then we expected.  Apparently, between sobs, Little MPB looked up at Mr. MPB and said:

No Go Daddy

Honestly, even though I wasn’t there, I just keep picturing my sweet little boy in tears .  And it completely breaks my heart.  So now I just have to convince Mr. MPB to do all the drop-offs this week so I don’t have to experience the torture first hand.

And what I really struggle with is that we know he loves his friends at daycare.  In fact, we know he has fun when he’s there.  So why do drop off have to be so darn hard?  And how in the world do we help handle drop-offs better?

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14 Comments on “3 Heartbreaking Words

  1. Tearful drop offs are heart breaking. I found though that Conor, the ones that killed me more are the times he just runs and plays without looking back or saying good bye.

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  2. OMG. I couldn’t do it either! I’d probably quit my job and bring him home… and then regret it when I realize we still have bills and 1 income. LOL. But in that instant it would probably only be an afterthought! (Though with huge consequences) I hope it gets better soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right?! That’s exactly what I would do! And then I’d have another day of lost income and it would end bad for our entire family!
      I am beyond thankful that Mr. MPB does 85% of drop-offs, I just couldn’t do it!

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  3. I know how hard that is. A good friend of mine is always the one to take their young son to preschool – the little guy always has separation anxiety, and Daddy can handle it a lot better than Mommy can in their family. (I’d be the same way, for sure.) I’m glad you’re able to have a buffer through your husband, and I’m sure it will get easier soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. How heartbreaking! At least you know he has fun there but that certainly doesn’t make it easier!


  5. Oh my goodness this is so sad. Poor little guy. My husband does 90% of the daycare drop offs as well and I’m so thankful for it. My pick up time is way easier. I don’t know how to make the drop offs easier. I think sometimes they are a breeze and then other times, when the little ones really want to stay with their parents, it’s a heartbreaking moment. How are his caregivers when Mr MPB is trying to leave and Little MPB is sobbing? Do they try to engage him and distract him with some of his favourite toys? Sadly, sometimes it’s easiest to have the caregiver pick him up and carry him over to a toy corner or to open up some books and Mr MPB run out. Yeah, he will likely be sobbing and screaming for his daddy, but with the comfort of his favourite caregiver then he should calm down in a few minutes. If he truly loves his daycare and his little friends there, then the drop off won’t be something scarring his heart forever. He will have forgotten within a short period of time because he will remember all the awesomeness of his friends and way cooler toys than he has at home!


  6. Transitions are the hardest. I wish I had a magic fix, but there are still days when I have to put a screaming Darwin in the arms of the preschool teacher and leave (the screaming stops in under 30 seconds and she is happy for the rest of that day, while I’m reduced to shaking and tears). I hope it gets easier again fast ❤


  7. Oh gosh I’m so sorry!! My daughter goes through phases with drop off, sometimes she cries and sometimes she doesn’t even tell me bye! After having them home for an extended period of time I do notice a huge change though. We faced this over Christmas & New Years with the extended holiday schedule and it was heartbreaking!


  8. Aww, it’s so hard! So much solidarity. Every morning Charlotte says, “I don’t want school today. I don’t want Big Mama work today.” (I am Big Mama now… SMH)


  9. Oh my that is sooo heartbreaking!Aviana gets really upset whenever Chris drops her off but I rarely get an upset Aviana when I drop her off, only once so far has she clung to me as if I was putting her into a burning fire pit! 😭😭😭 apparently she does that all the time with him!

    May Be it wouldn’t be so bad as you imagine it could be all the time if you dropped off little MPB?

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  10. I agree – M really likes his time at daycare, he’s always happy at pickup and has plenty of stories. But it’s a struggle to get him in the car in the mornings.


  11. Oh man, it is all just phases with these kids. My first, who is now 6, went to daycare from 9mths and was totally crusiy and knew everyone etc. But at around that almost 2 age after a few weeks off for Christmas that year he started to get separation anxiety and it felt right out of the blue. I was crying every drop off – it was awful. Eventually he just readjusted and things were fine again. H is now 20months and she is going great with drop offs after a really shaken start. She was terrible to begin with. Very much a mama’s girl. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop as we are right around that same age that S was but it seems ok for now. It will, of course, happen at some point. Even now with my big boy he goes from wanting me to just drop him at the school gate to begging me to come in. I think it’s all just phases. I try to go in if I can but some days he wants me to and I can’t and we just have to talk about that. It’s all phases with kids. Good luck working your way through this one. It is heartbreaking when they are sad and ask you not to go 😦


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