Toddler Christmas

We aren’t even halfway through December and it appears that Little MPB knows everything there is to know about Christmas.

And, I cannot help but wonder how does he know all of this?!  How does he know who Santa and Frosty the snowman are?  And who taught him to say randeer?  For that matter how does he know how to say Christmas?  And how does he seem to just get all the seasonal traditions like Christmas trees, Santa figurines, toy soldiers and presents?

He seems to particularly enjoy Santa.  In fact, he has now seen Santa twice, and the second time he even had the courage to answer Santa when he asked what do you want for Christmas?  Needless to say, we had to buy him an airplane since that’s what he asked for and not something we had for him!

And now that we have our tree up (we put it up a tad bit late this year due to our trip to visit family), he is having so much fun hiding behind the tree and trying to put the needles back onto the tree.  I can only assume he is going to love putting decorations on it tomorrow once the branches settle.

Is this level of Christmas knowledge normal for a kid who isn’t even 2 yet?  How do they pick it up so quickly?

Regardless of the answer to those questions, I have to say, I love his current amazement in the festive season.  It warms my heart to see Christmas through his eyes.

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8 Comments on “Toddler Christmas

  1. So cute! Cora has picked up on it all too! I love it! This morning she started singing jungle bells and I was wondering, oh the heck do you know that??? I’m sure they pick some up from daycare, TV, and the little we say about it. They are little sponges!

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  2. They pick it up a lot of that at Daycare! When my girls were little, I was absolutely amazed by the things that they learned at daycare, that I didn’t realize they were old enough to learn! They were completely reading by 5 years old, something I probably wouldn’t have tried to teach them until they were in actual school, because I didn’t realize at 3 or 4 years old, that they would be capable of reading yet! They were reading small chapter books in first grade, rather than just starting to learn to read! So many things they learned at daycare that I would not have thought they were ready to learn….. there is some benefit to it for sure!

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