Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!

Little MPB continues to learn new words every single day.  The other day I tried counting how many actual, clear words he used in 1 day. I stopped counting when he got to 32 by lunch time.  He’s still not using a lot of multi-word “sentences”, but I’m confident those are just around the corner.

But, remember how when Mr. MPB was away I let Little MPB watch more Paw Patrol then normal?  While as we watched Paw Patrol, I taught him all the puppies names – Marshall, Chase, Zuma, Skye, Rubble, Rocky and Everest.  He now knows his colours, his 1, 2, 3’s and his puppies.

Photo from Amazon

He seriously loves all puppies/dogs – he’s a boy who’s meant to have a dog (sort of like his mom, who is also meant to have a dog).

But, he especially loves all things Paw Patrol.  He now has a very clear preference to drink out of his Paw Patrol cup and he can even point to each one of the puppies on the cup and identify them by name. I’m trying to tell myself it’s a great developmental sign that he can identify and name each one of the puppies.  You know, I did good by letting him watch Paw Patrol because it was necessary to teach him all the puppy names.  Really, it was good parenting, right?

But, then this morning happened…

Little MPB work up chanting Marshall! Marshall! Marshall! on repeat for a good 2+ minutes.

When we got downstairs he went straight to the TV, pointed at it, and once again started chanting Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!

So, maybe I should stop trying to convince myself it’s a good thing he knows all the puppy names.  Maybe I actually just need to admit my kid is addicted to Paw Patrol.

I also can’t help but wonder, when we eventually get another puppy, is it’s name going to be Marshall?

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26 Comments on “Marshall! Marshall! Marshall!

  1. Cora latched on to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and that is the only thing she watches. As in, refuses to watch anything else. I gave in. If that is her vice, so be it. She watches an episode a day and mamma gets 20 minutes in the morning to get our shit together and out the door:) We are proud owners of all things Minnie and Mickey. It is so crazy what they latch on to! I think Marshall makes a great puppy name BTW:)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awe, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse sounds adorable! 🙂
      I think we are slowly going to become proud owners of all things Paw Patrol. And, I also think there are worse things in the world.


  2. Ha! He’s practicing his vocabulary and communication! That’s a good thing, right? 🙂

    Meh, our kid gets a little addicted to TV when he’s sick or we’ve had to do a lot of unpleasant things like nail-clipping. You can always detox — it’s so easy to enforce a TV ban at this age. And unless you’re plunking Little MPB in front of the TV for hours every day, I’m pretty sure you’re not doing any harm. Little MPB has a lot of great things in his life, and I’m pretty sure that your sanity is a lot more beneficial to him than the extremely questionable harm done by a few days of some extra TV while Mr. MPB is traveling. Happy mama, happy kiddo!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right, he is totally practicing his vocabulary and communication skills. I’m just going to keep holding onto that theory.
      And yes, we are in a detox mode right now. He’s going back to the 1 or 2 episodes per week. 🙂


  3. Oh, Paw Patrol… 😂 We are JUST getting out of that phase and I honestly didn’t mind it too much. Just wait until he starts correcting you and won’t let you call them “puppies” because “they’re pups, mom!”

    The first sentence you may hear, and I’m being honest, is “paw patrol, paw patrol, we’ll be there on the double.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Honestly, I have to agree about not minding Paw Patrol that much. I’ve watched a few other kids shows and I’m glad we have a Paw Patrol kid! Some of the other ones are just so tedious to watch!
      As for “paw patrol, paw patrol, we’ll be there on the double”, it’s already etched into my brain. So I wont be surprised if Little MPB and I both wake up chanting it on repeat! 🙂


  4. We are Paw Patrol fans in our house, too, although our sons are beginning to outgrow the show (they’re almost 6). As kids’ shows go, it’s not terrible. 🙂

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  5. This is adorable! I wish Luke would watch some shows. I’ve tried in the last few weeks and lasts maybe 2 minutes. I love the idea of naming a future dog Marshall!

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  6. Ha! My twins are huge Daniel Tiger fans and I don’t mind, it promotes a lot of life skills and lessons. They used to vibrate with excitement when they heard the theme tune! It was all I ever let them watch but recently paw patrol is creeping in too 😂. I want a dog so I figure if they love cartoon dogs they may be on my side v’s the cat man, dog disliking hubby! Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Little MPB is like that, he just vibrates with excitement when we turn on Paw Patrol. It is rather adorable.
      I say indoctrinate your twins into puppy love!! There is nothing better then a dog. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. My kids love to watch “Bli/ppi”. So, the song that goes on and on at home is Garbage truck.. Both are not in to any shows as such, G had a phase with Thomas but that fizzled out. They are all only into short informational videos, e.g. how does the plane fly, helicopter fly etc etc made for kids either by Bli/ppi or another guy, I forget his name.
    I wish they watch these shows, would make it so much easier to put them on loop. But it could also be because we dont have a TV on the main floor..

    But what Little MPB did is adorbs.. Marshall, Marshall… LOL..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Little MPB has really liked that show too, but we never turn it on because we are a Netflix family and it’s not on Netflix. 🙂 We do have some of the songs on my phone so we listen to the songs all the time.


  8. I have been known to use Wiggles as a way to get 10 minutes to nip to the toilet or get a chore or two done. I always feel guilty but it’s better than me being crazy by the end of the day 😂

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  9. My two year old is obsessed too. She likes to sing the theme song and is on constant lookout for Paw Patrol toys when we’re out (though we don’t buy her any of that stuff so we don’t feed her obsession more). While I don’t mind the show in general, I wish it had more learning opportunities, especially since our daughter will only watch that show and nothing else (we tried to get her on Sesame Street and she just went and played – ha ha!).

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hahaha!!! I think that’s super cute!
    Cadence isn’t truly saying any clear words yet, even though sometimes she sounds like she is. But I will say…whenever the theme song for “ER” or “Roseanne” come on, she stops what she’s doing and goes over and stares at the tv! (She doesn’t watch the shows, she just likes the theme songs)


  11. Hahaha….I suppose there are worse future dog names! Two years ago I had a rooster that my nephew (3 y) named “Butterscotch-the-cow” (one word) thanks to his favourite bubble guppies episode. If it’s not Marshall, it will just be something else he’s latched on to…. it’s just what kids do! Also, in my experience, Paw Patrol is least irritating if the popular kids shows right now. Don’t, for any reason, let him see wonder pets …. (most annoying show EVER!)


  12. I feel you on the Paw Patrol pain. But in my house it’s all “Chase! Chase! Chase!” We now hide the ipads so he can’t grab them and bring them over to us begging. We told ourselves that we need to detox him from his tv obsession when he started excitedly asking for Peppa Pig too. Literally the first words out of his mouth this morning were “Peppa Pig?” Clearly we have been leaning on TV a little too much lately.

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