Officially Done!

Little MPB became a Canadian Citizen almost a month ago.  And today, Little MPB’s official Certificate of Canadian Citizenship arrived in the mail.  This hasn’t been without a bit of drama in the last few weeks as bureaucratic incompetencies occured yet again, but I could care less about that now that the certificate is here.

To say I’m elated would be the understatement of the year.

Amongst all the adoption paperwork that we are saving, we now have 4 very important documents:

  1. Original Birth Certificate
  2. Adoption Order
  3. Amended Birth Certificate
  4. Certificate of Canadian Citizenship.

In addition to the paperwork that makes us a forever family, the arrival of his Certificate of Canadian Citizenship means that now have the formal identification necessary to prove our son is a Canadian.  And therefore this is undeniably an exciting piece of paper.

But for me, this single piece of paper, also signifies that we are officially done with all the adoption related paperwork!!  And I think this marks the end of our formal adoption process!

This day is over 3 years in the making.

And, I am just absolutely thrilled.

Now, we will move onto normal, non-adoption related paperwork.  The paperwork that every Canadian child typically gets – a social insurance number and a Canadian passport.

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