Check Up

I took Baby MPB for a check-up this morning.  He is doing wonderfully.  He’s grown an absolute tonne to the point where the doctor suggested more solids and less formula.  Which is fine and should be easy enough to do, and should be happening anyways because of his age.  So, all in all, we have a happy and healthy little boy.

While the doctor and I were chatting I asked him to test some of my levels – my thyroid, iron, etc.  We chatted briefly and I told him I’ve been struggling the last few weeks and I’m really hoping I can blame it on something like my thyroid.  I gave him the colesnotes version of what I wrote yesterday – that I’m feeling overworked, overwhelmed and overtired.  He decided to test a bunch of stuff.  Now I just need to make an appointment to get the blood work done.

He also asked me point blank if I’m feeling suicidal.  I’m truly not, so I’m not worried about anything like that.  Thankfully!  But, I did tell him I’m feeling like I need a vacation from everything and we have a long weekend in the mountains in a few weeks.  To which he said, good, book another one for next month too.  And, I think I just might.  Then he asked what I plan to do about feeling overworked, overwhelmed and overtired – a seemingly simple question.  I told him I have no idea but I am hoping to see my councilor soon and at least talk through a bunch of this.

On the way home from the doctor appointment I call my councilor’s office to be put on her cancellation list for when she’s back at work.  I honestly refuse to go talk to someone else, I’m not interested in retelling the story of my last few years to bring someone else up to speed.  I’m confident we’d end up spending the whole session just on my back story and I honestly don’t see how that will help anything.  So I’d rather just wait.

So, now I have a bit of an action plan:

  • Get blood work
  • hope for a random appointment to come up.

And, thanks everyone your encouragement and support the last few days.

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12 Comments on “Check Up

  1. I’m glad you spoke to your doc about how you’ve been feeling lately 😊 Also glad to hear baby MPB is doing just fine!!! Fingers crossed your counsellor comes back with an appt soon…it makes sense to hang on rather than find another, a good one is gold dust, and you don’t need that stress at the mo.

    The mountains are healing!!! Get out there and enjoy, sounds like a good idea doc 😊 plus I (selfishly) love all your pics from when you do go!

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  2. A plan is always nice to have! Glad baby MPB is doing fine 🙂 Nature is healing and I can’t wait until our spring weather really takes off to get outside and waddle around in it! You have to wait for the counsellor but you can at least get your bloods done to make sure there isn’t anything physical going on. Vitamin D can also make you feel awful if it is too low. I noticed an improvement in myself when my level was higher.

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  3. I’m glad your Dr listened to you and is going to test some things. Maybe that can give you some answers, and help out at least a bit. So good to hear that baby is growing big and strong!! Which reminds me…expect an email from me very soon. Actually, I’ll go do it now before I forget AGAIN. Oh and I also hope that your counselor feels better soon and you can get in there before too long!!

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  4. He sounds like a great Dr. Some of those questions are hard to ask and I think some Drs really pussyfoot around the topics but it sounds like he didn’t do this at all. Hoping an appt come up for you soon!

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  5. I’m so sorry you’ve been battling! Isn’t it weird how sometimes the more reasons we have for gratitude and happiness, the more our brokenness tears us down? I’ve been in a similar place for quite a while now – despite real reasons to be sad, I have more real reasons to be happy, yet often all I feel is overwhelmed. You have a strategy, though, and I’ve always found that helps enormously. You go, girl! This time will pass; joy will come in the morning… 🙂

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  6. Late on all my reading these days, but I am so glad you talked to your doc! Hang in there! You have a lot going on in your life with work, the nannies, the baby boy, and so on…have an extra glass of wine and know you do have a lot of support out here! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Good job on the growth baby mpb!! And good job momma for talking to the doctor about how you’ve been feeling lately. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything. Hopefully you can blame it all on a wonky blood number, but if not you’re still amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

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