Penned Creature

It has rained here for a week straight.  In fact, at one point my community experienced flash floods and at another point there was enough hail on the ground that it looked like a winter’s day.

It’s been miserable.

And in turn, I feel miserable.

It’s amazing how the weather can directly influence one’s state of mind.  I feel rather blah and slightly grumpy.  And, every morning this week I’ve woken up feeling like I’m fighting off a cold.  I’m just generally annoyed with life this week.  And, while I’d like to pin point the reason, the only thing I can come up with is the weather is making me crazy.

With all the rain, all our normal summer activities have been put on hold – our trip to the zoo with friends was cancelled, our almost daily walks with the dog have been put on hold, etc.  I tried going on a short trip to a mall with Baby MPB, but it turns out I really hate malls and Baby MPB doesn’t make those trips any less painful.

And, it seems as though every single thing I want to do is outside.  There is no way I’m taking Baby MPB outside in the horrible rains, which means I have to stay inside.  I’m starting to feel like a penned creature – kept inside against my will.

And it turns out, I’m not a very good penned creature.  I like my freedom and so does Baby MPB.  We’ve noticed Baby MPB also seems happier on the days that include some sort of outing.  And let’s not forget that the dog, she’s starting to go slightly mad being inside for so long.  Yet, even when we’ve tried to take her outside she refuses to stay out for more then is biologically necessary to complete her bathroom breaks.

So, as we start the weekend, the forecast calls for more rain.  And, I’m getting bitter about it.  We only have a few short months of summer and dammit, I want my summer back! I wanted to go to the mountains this weekend for a short hike, but there’s just no way we are driving that far to go for a walk in the rain.  I wanted to go to the park for a baby swim in the lake, but once again, there is no way I’m doing that in the cold and rainy weather.  And, my mind cannot seem to think of any fun indoor activities, it’s as though I have a mental wall preventing me from thinking of anything other then summer activities.

And, to make matters worse, Mr. MPB wants to spend the weekend cleaning out the garage.  Seriously, where is the fun in that?!  My vote is there is no way I’m spending the weekend cleaning out the garage with Baby MPB in tow.

All I know is that we better come up with something fun to do or I might just turn into the wicked witch of the west!

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16 Comments on “Penned Creature

  1. UGH! No fair! It should NOT rain so much in the summer! I really hope your weekend is sunny and you guys can get out of your ‘cage’!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree!! It simply should not be this miserable during the summer! It stormed all night, thankfully Baby MPB slept through it but no-one else in the house did. And, it’s still raining right now and I’m miserable!


  2. Send some rain over to southern ontario please! We have been having high humidex heat waves in a row.
    Garage cleaning, why does it ring a bell , just last night my husband said the magical words, “we need to declutter our garage”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I would send it all if I could! It’s pouring again right now, and after a sleepless night of massive storms, I’m about done with this rain!
      Do husbands think it’s fun to declutter/clean garage?? And, why do they always seem to get to messy? And, if I didn’t help create the mess, (because seriously, I don’t hang out in the garage or use all the tools) why should I be forced to help clean it up? 🙂


  3. Eek, being stuck inside is the worst. We have the opposite problem, but same outcome – 106+ degrees F without a single cloud in sight and it’s miserable. I don’t have any good advice aside from just trying to go outside when you can, even just for short stints. I hope your rain lets up soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. So sorry about all the rain! I can really relate to what you’re feeling. I get like that in the winter. Sadly it’s been so hot here that all of our outdoor outings have to be done before 8:00. But the sun is shining thankfully. I do hope that you get some nice weather soon! And boo to cleaning out the garage!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Whenever I’m stuck inside I either catch up on my shows on my DVR, or sew something. I know you’re not an overly crafty person though, so that probably doesn’t help you! You could always come down here and visit me…our weather is mid to high 90s with about 90% humidity! I think I’d almost rather have the rain!!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. We would go for a swim at an indoor pool if we couldn’t swim outside 🙂 We are in winter at the moment and it has been rainy and cold. On the plus side, I finally managed to get your package in the mail! Hopefully it is almost there 🙂


  7. I’m not good at being cooped up inside either. We have a similar problem here- the extreme heat warnings keep us inside because it’s too hot for the babies or the dogs. We went for about a 5 days stretch without taking the dogs out. It was awful. I hope the weather gets better for you and you can stretch your legs a bit in the sun.

    Liked by 1 person

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