Secret Teeth

In the last week Baby MPB surprised us – he now has two teeth!


I’ve heard all kinds of horror stories about babies teething.  I’ve heard about the sleepless nights, clingy babies, inconsolable babies, screaming babies, etc.

Well, Baby MPB might just be super baby as none of that has happened.

Instead we’ve had baby smiles, giggles and general happiness.  And copious amounts of drool.

We visited with my grandmother was amazed by his teething demeanor, evidently she has never seen a baby so content through teething.

His first tooth came through pretty easily. A few days later his second tooth was a bit more challenging – he actually needed one dose of baby Tylenol one night.  Now, I realize this is pretty amazing, and I am beyond thankful that we haven’t had to watch our baby in inconsolable pain.


But, he has been a bit weird about his teeth – they are his little secret.  He absolutely will not show them to us.  When he smiles, he puts his tongue over them.  When we try to look at them, he clamps down on our fingers and doesn’t open up.  If we attempt a clever sneak a peak, he quickly turns his head and closes his mouth.

I am curious what this razor sharp teeth look like.  I’m wondering if one day we will actually get to see them?

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30 Comments on “Secret Teeth

  1. Yay for teeth!! And I’m so glad he hadn’t had a lot of the teething symptoms parents say are so hard to cope with. I live that he’s keeping them a secret!!! That’s adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I too am so glad we haven’t experienced all those horrible teething symptoms…yet. He has lots of teeth to go so I’m sure at some point we will expeirence more unpleasant symptoms. 😕
      But hopefully one day he shows us those little teeth, for some reason I think they’ll be adorable. 😊


  2. Aw… your missing out on the toothy smiles then! Hopefully, Baby MPB will warm up because these are the cutest. CUTEST.

    Chick’s first two came in without much fanfare (other than tons of drooling.) The other four that are currently residents in his mouth ranged from “no fuss” to “must cuddle all the time.” Babies, man… so unpredictable.

    Liked by 1 person

    • No toothy smiles for us, at least not yet. I figure one day he’ll show them off. Or maybe I’m just hoping?
      Must cuddle all the time doesn’t sound so bad…. 😊


  3. Girl, you know I love you, but I seriously also hate you right now. Every single one of Charlotte’s 7 teeth has been a raging battle of crankiness, screaming, fevers, dark circles under her eyes, no sleep and just general MISERY. We’re in the midst of tooth #8 right now and Catch and I are seriously thinking of sending her to boarding school until it makes its appearance. You are one LUCKY mama, lady. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Matthew was a super teether and never missed a beat. Bryson was a NIGHTMARE. I still have horrible memories over it. Awful. Matthew had 2 on his first birthday while Bryson had 6. So different!!!!

    He’s going to look instantly older when you finally see them. 😢😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am so glad that we haven’t experienced any sort of nightmare teething yet! I so hope all his teeth are this easy!
      Maybe his older tooth smile will be what finally makes me cry because he’s getting so old. 😊


  5. Oh, I am sooo envious now! Teething had always been horrible. A is yet to have teeth but with G who is still teething at 2.5 it has been terrible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Im sorry G has had sich a rough time with teething!
      As good as it is right now, we have a lot more teeth to go. So who knows we may also get to experience terrible teething at some point. Unfortunately!


      • Oh you wont. Back home we say, if the first doesnt hurt, the rest wont. Plus Baby MPB’s gums are still tender, easier to cut tooth. G started teething at 11 months.

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  6. Aw!! It’s great that he wasn’t upset! Baby F has been chewing like mad and crying at night and she finally popped her first tooth yesterday. Teething can be rough (my oldest son’s first molars were particularly memorable), here’s hoping he stays a happy teether 😄


  7. All the babies are getting their teeth before Amora! Every week I’m like, “THIS IS THE WEEK…” And then it never is. Lol. I’m glad he has been feeling well though!!!

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  8. We also havent felt a thing! The same was with vaccinations. Thank God,all major issues went through smoothly.

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  9. Dumplin’ was all shy about his teeth when they first erupted too. It’s so cute. Soon you’ll get to see them, especially as they grow and as he smiles !

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      • We use the Camilla ”teeth juice” as I call it during the day. Occasionally Tylenol at night. Wyatt loves teething toys – like the chewellry style beads and Sophie. Honestly we just go with the flow. If he’s snuggley, he gets snuggled. If he’s chewing lots, we give him a toy to chew on or food that he can chew. We’ve used the teethers the go in the freezer but they don’t stay cold for long. We’ve never had a huge issue yet. Our biggest complaint is he wants to be held when he’s really feeling it… I shouldn’t complain about snuggles though!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Yup, I say take those baby snuggles as long as you can get them!! We’ve done essentially the same thing as you – go with what Baby MPB seems to want in the moment.


  10. I really didn’t notice all the woos of teething until Nora started to get back teeth. We’ve been doing a lot of Advil, which helps tons, but I realize a lot of people aren’t comfortable pumping drugs through their kids. Hopefully he handles the back teeth like a champ too!

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