Naming Our Son

When we chose adoption one the things that stressed me out the most was naming our child. I knew it was important to me to choose his name, and I also understood the long term importance of name changes for many (not all) adopted children. I worked hard to let this go and just wait to see what happened when the time came as I truly had no idea how this would play out in reality.

Early into our match we knew our birth mom liked the name we chose. But, we had no idea what would actually happen when it came time to fill in the birth certificate paperwork.  Ultimately, it is the birth mother’s right (and I believe it should be) to write down whatever she wants.


One of the most beautiful gifts our birth mother gave our son (and us) is that she filled in his birth certificate with the name we chose (and she liked). While she was filling out the paperwork, she even asked Mr. MPB to review it to make sure everything was spelt correctly.

So, from the time of the match through to his original birth certificate (and now forever), our son’s name is:

  • First Name – Chosen by us as a name we love. Also loved by his birth mom.
  • Middle Name – Chosen by us as a tribute to his birth mom and a name we really like.  Also loved by his birth mom.
  • Last Name – ours.

Writing our last name down on his original birth certificate was an unexpected and beautiful surprise for us.

And so, because she even included our last name on the original birth certificate, our son will never have a name change.

One of the cores of his identity, his name, will always be his. And, even more amazing, he will always know that all of his parents together gave him his name.

Adoption isn’t perfect and there are a lot of things about it that cause many children a lot of heartache as they grow up. And, while I do not have a crystal ball, I truly hope this act helps him know just how loved by everyone he truly is.

(He will still have his original birth certificate sealed and a new one created as is required by law. But that’s another post for another day).

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26 Comments on “Naming Our Son

  1. Beautiful. So happy that everyone is working so well together for your baby boy’s future. Sounds like you guys got the perfect birth mom for your family, and your little guy is going to grow up knowing he is so loved.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Brimming with happiness – the title “our son”. So so happy for you. What a long and arduous journey and I’m so grateful and happy you have your son in your arms. I love the mutual respect and love you and the birth mom share together. What a truly beautiful way for your little boy to enter this world.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Really beautiful….wonderful the birth mom wrote the information in you all discussed regarding his name. So far, you all seem like a great team. Can’t wait to hear what his name is..thanks for explaining!! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow. I really love the birth mum in all this. She really has had a baby first attitude the whole way through. It must be a hard thing to achieve at a really emotional time which just makes it all the more impressive.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So wonderful! Glad everyone liked the same names, now THAT’S rare! The birth mother sounds like us h a perfect match for you guys.

    p.s. My oldest brother was adopted. We met him as adults. Anyways, his parents changed his name *completely* from what my mom had originally named him. He found this out as adult, but was totally okay with it. It was a nonissue. So try not to worry too much about it scarring your baby, it might not even be a thang!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. This is so beautiful. It is clear that this little boy is so loved by both his birth mother and his adoptive parents. And that is just beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s been so amazing to read these. Thank you for sharing, even while you’re knee deep in all of it. Such a joy and an encouragement to read! And I’m so happy for you!!!

    Liked by 1 person

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