A Post About Absolutely Nothing

Today is a statutory holiday in my part of the world. Making it a 3 day weekend.  I suspect about 90% of non-retail jobs have the day off with pay.

The weather here is is ideal for a long weekend – hot, with a slight breeze to keep the air comfortable.

Rather then camping or hiking, we’ve spent the weekend at home.  And we had a great time!

20150719 - My Not So Happy DayThe first step in enjoying our weekend at home was that we continued to ignore the gaping hole in our basement roof – evidently when it comes to unwanted home reno’s I am a de-motivator as I continually chose to do anything but fix the hole.  So, we spent the weekend doing funner things, like:

The house is now cleaner, well at least a few rooms are.

We bought some groceries.

Making copious amounts of blueberry spice jam, saskatoon berry jam, strawberry jam and black cherry jelly.

We folded 3 hampers full laundry.

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We slept in.

We walked the dog every day. And I took a few photos.

We enjoyed a few beers.

We made wonderful food each evening.

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I even started reading a real book (I used to read books all the time, now I read blogs).

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We spent an evening out enjoying the company of some friends.

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To celebrate the actual holiday, I am working.  As I am now both self-employed, I do not get paid for statutory holidays unless we work (there are many perks to being self-employed, this is not one of them). A project has me away for a night again this week, so I already know it’s going to be an insane week.  So today, I am sitting at my desk hoping to get enough work done that I wont feel overwhelmed all week.  And, I’m hoping that I’m productive enough that we can take next Friday off and enjoy an unofficial long weekend (taking a long weekend when every else is working is probably considered a perk of being self-employed).  So, here’s to hoping I don’t procrastinate the day away.

As I sit at my desk working today, I hope everyone else is enjoying a happy work-free day!

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37 Comments on “A Post About Absolutely Nothing

  1. I love the Rosie Project! 🙂 I actually ended up missing my tube stop because I was so engrossed and laughing to myself! The follow up is pretty good too. Sounds like you had a great weekend! 🙂


  2. I really enjoyed the Rosie Project.

    Your weekend sounds lovely! Especially the sleeping in parts. 😉 And you did so much laundry! When are you coming over here to fold mine? 😉

    I hope you get everything done that you want to do today!


  3. Gorgeous pictures! I’m sorry about the hole in your basement ceiling… we have a hole in our tv room ceiling from the water damage this winter that we just haven’t gotten around to, either. I love your book selection, too!


    • Thanks Jess! The hole is unfortunate, and clearly needs to be fixed, but I’m thinking that’s what winter is for. 🙂
      I hope the water damage in your house wasn’t too extensive.


  4. My husband is working on the farm today. We, too, enjoyed the weekend instead. I’m off today and just having a lazy day but I expect this week will be crazy busy at work – especially since we’ve got Friday off too for a wedding. Hope your Monday is productive and goes by fast.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Far From The Tree is an amazing book!!!! I am so excited you are reading it!!!! I think it’s a lovely way to get you thinking about adoption, too, and how beautiful and different we all are…genetics aside. Genetics don’t guarantee anything! Let me know what you think when you finish it!


    • I was given Far From The Tree at christmas from a dear friend, and I still haven’t started it! I know I need to, and your thoughts on the book have just made me realize that I need to start reading it now, before we are placed with a baby and I have to time to read. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh my gosh – I think you will love it and really feel so secure about the beauty of all our differences. I just finished it this summer. It took me a while but is was so insightful and easy to read because of the fascinating subjects.


  6. Great photos! I’m glad you had a good and productive 3-day weekend. 🙂


    • That’s exactly like me! I’ve always been a ferocious reader, and I find that I read more now then ever, but not in a traditional book format. I’ve always really enjoyed memoirs, so I think reading blogs just came naturally to me. I also think part of the reason I love blogs is that everyone is just so real!

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: The Start of A New Tradition: Sunday Fun Day | My Perfect Breakdown

  8. Fun! Can you post a jam recipe please? I’ve been wanting to try this for years but all the sterilizing and sealing of jars intimidates me!


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