
The neatest thing just happened in the MPB household.

The day I announced to the world that we are now officially waiting adoptive parents I was overcome with the excitement and love I received via my blog and all of you! The comments were all truly happy and excited! I smile every time I read them.

20150630 - AmazedIt was also the same day we receive some amazing baby gifts from some amazing friends.

This coincidence is not lost on me.

While baby gifts are cute and so much fun to open, what amazed me was the love that we clearly have coming at us! The physical items made me realize just how real everything is.

First let me say that we are ever so grateful to everyone who offered their words of encouragement and baby gifts too! I am so excited to see our baby becoming a real part of our lives. I am elated as I think about our future family, and for the first time I can literally see this happening.

Second, what was more important than anything else was the realization that others are sharing in our excitement! We’ve told people in our real-lives about our adoption plans and many people do not get just how excited we are to be growing our family through adoption. Some people that know the details don’t realize the depth of hurt, sorrow and grief that we have had to worked through to get here. And so these people seem to have no idea how much effort and time it’s taken for us to be excited. And most of all, those in real life that we’ve told about our newest achievement of being officially waiting, don’t understand how big of a deal this is. Most of them don’t realize just how much we want to share our excitement. But you my friends, you do!

So, what was really amazing was the realization that so many people are excited for us! For the first time ever, we truly felt like people were actually celebrating this milestone with us! For the first time, we really felt like others are sharing in our excitement. For the first time we felt like people get just how excited we are! And for the first time ever we realized just how excited people are for us!!

So today, I am thankful. Today I am so both honoured and humbled to call many of you my friends. Today I am grateful that no matter what happens, we have love coming at us from every corner of the world. Today I feel more prepared to weather the storm, because I have friends at my side who will help pick up the pieces should I stumble.

The power of love and friendship are amazing. This past weekend Mr. MPB and I stood in awe. You are all so very amazing! I look forward to being able to pay it forward. And, I look forward to being able to share in both your dreams becoming a reality and helping pick up your pieces should you ever need a helping hand.

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45 Comments on “Amazed

  1. I am a new granny that has been following your journey, whilst experiencing watching my daughter go through the agony of infertility. I love your writing, it is so heartfelt, we have had a successful end. However, I still follow your story as I am so excited for your successful end, that I think is just around the corner.

    Liked by 1 person

    • First, congratulations on becoming a new granny!! I am so excited for you and for your daughter.
      Also, thank you so much for commenting! I am touched that you enjoy my writing and continue to read. I too hope that our successful end is around the corner and I am excited to share when we are matched! 🙂
      Thank you again!


  2. How fun! You should post a pic of what’s inside too! I plan on sending things, I just need to get settled and have internet again first lol!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Awe, thanks Amy! I should post a pick of everything that was on the inside of the boxes too! I intended to, but honestly it was about 12am when I was writing this and I was sleepy. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I am super excited for you, and anxious for that baby to arrive! It’s amazing to think that it’s just around the corner… It could be any day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Courtney! I am so anxious for a match to occur and for baby to arrive! The waiting is starting to bug me, so I plan to keep looking into baby stuff to occupy my mind. 🙂


  4. I’m still staggered that the people in your ‘real-life’, the people that should matter most, fail to acknowledge your joy and excitement and how they aren’t eagerly awaiting your arrival like they should. I’m just glad you have so much support from the people ‘out here’ and I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the news of your special, and much yearned for addition. I admire you guys so much for surviving the agony and heartache that has led you to this day xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • I too am constantly amazed that they don’t seem to get it. It truly makes me sad, but I am also learning to focus on those who do radiate good energy and realize just how excited this type of progress is. Thank you for being one of the good ones who get it and who cheer me on! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  5. How exciting!!! I’m so happy for you and so glad that you’re FEELING the excitement and love from others too!!! I want to see what’s in the box (es)!! 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Mrs. D! It’s amazing how contagious excitement is! Thank you so much for your excitement and love! 🙂
      I’ll do a post about what was in the boxes soon – I was going to include it in this one but honestly it was so late when I wrote it that I went to bed instead.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I am so glad that you can feel all the love and encouragement that everyone is sending you. I wish for you that everyone in your real life could understand what a milestone this is and that it needs to be celebrated. I hope that once you are matched with your forever child that they are able to join in the happiness and be truly excited. Sending lots of love. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for sending the love, encouragement and excitement my way! I am delighted and so hopeful that soon we will be matched and have our baby in our arms. What an amazing day that will be – I get goosebumps just thinking about it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a coincidence! I love packages, especially piles of them. 🙂
    Let the love wash over you – you both have come so far. I hope your wait is over very very soon. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh congratulations! I missed this milestone post somehow, but I am so excited for you, and so excited that YOU are excited, and so excited that so many people are excited WITH you! It’s a beautiful thing. Look at all that loot for that lucky, lucky baby out there! I am hoping that this process goes smoothly and quickly for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Jess!! I love that excitement seems to be so contagious! I too am hoping that the process goes smoothly and quickly – I cannot wait for the day that we are holding our child in our arms. And I hope the same day comes quickly for you too!! (P.S. lately I’ve been having issues commenting on your blog, but I am reading and trying to comment and always sending love your way).


    • Awe, thanks so much! I too am excited for what’s next! Oh, and I’ll try to do a post about what was in the boxes shortly – I meant to include it in this post but was so tired when I was writing that sleep won out. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much my friend! I too am very excited about the day that I can post about holding our child in our arms! 🙂
      And I am also so excited for the day you post a new family picture!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I am so happy that you have received such love. You are one of the kindest people I know. I am so excited for your journey. I can’t wait until you get the news.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much Emily! It is amazing to think about how much our lives have changed from this time last year – I had no idea we’d be adopting and that we’d be so excited about our future family. It’s a great change! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • You are right, it is a wonderful testament to the power of love and friendship in our blogging community. I am thankful every single day for all of you! 🙂


  10. Pingback: So Close And Yet So Far | My Perfect Breakdown

  11. Pingback: A Sobering Moment | My Perfect Breakdown

  12. Pingback: An Observation, A Change, A Realization & A Question | My Perfect Breakdown

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