I Am a Pretty Perfect Version of Me

 I’m a pretty good person.

I don’t often acknowledge this fact.

In fact, I often down play it.


I am grounded in reality.

I have immense inner strength to have survived so much loss.

I believe I am wise beyond my years.

I can be overly emotional.

I am naive and trust too easily.

I am frugal.

I like things done right the first time.

I have high expectations of myself.

I love a good plan, executed to perfection.

I often try to guard my heart from undue hurt.

I retreat within myself when I’m hurting.

I have bad days, but I also have good ones.

I love with my whole heart and being.

I care for those who need support.

I cry at sad news.

I laugh at happy jokes.

I smile at simple moments of joy.


I am not a perfect person, but no-one actually is.

But I am a pretty perfect version of me, flaws and all.


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42 Comments on “I Am a Pretty Perfect Version of Me

  1. You’re amazing! I think you and I share quite a few attributes, based on what you’ve shared. Are you an introvert? What’s your sign? (Such a cliche question!)


    • I’m a pieces. I am super social and exhibit many traits of an extrovert and in fact a lot of my professional life requires me to be an extrovert. That said, as I’ve aged I’ve realized that I think I truly am in introvert – I love my down time and almost require it to function.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ahhhh I should have guessed you’re a Pisces with the introspecting you do. I’m a cancer (fellow water sign) and I love Pisces people!


  2. You’re perfect just the way you are. I’m glad you’re starting to acknowledge all the good about yourself, rather than focusing on the bad. Keep up with the positive!


  3. You are an absolutely perfect you and I wouldn’t change a thing about you! You are sweet and kind and such a support and good friend to all of us. Continue finding the positive and being proud of who you are, because you, My Dear, are amazing!


  4. I love this post. I think it’s so important to reflect on ourselves and appreciate how each of our attributes comes with its own history.


  5. I love this!! You always have such a wonderful way with words. And while we have never “met”, I think you are a perfectly good version of yourself too 🙂 xo


  6. This was wonderful to read. It is so true, you are the best version of you. What you wrote reminds me of what I read this morning in my daily devotional. It said to write down everything that I am good at and to read it everyday until I believe it. It is important to constantly remind ourselves of the great things that make us who we are. xo


    • It’s funny, I was very comfortable in my own skin before RPL. Really, the experience of RPL and a very negative employer at the same time did a real number on me. It’s an interesting life experience to be fighting to get back to my “old” self, but to also want to make some pretty big changes to create the best version of me along the way.
      When I’m not exhausted and annoyed by it all, I do feel fortunate to have the time and ability to work through all of this.


  7. Pingback: Running Away | My Perfect Breakdown

  8. Pingback: What Does Failure Mean To Me? | My Perfect Breakdown

  9. Pingback: I Am More Then 1 in 6 | My Perfect Breakdown

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