Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

A while ago I was nominated for another Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. I always enjoy these as they force me outside of my normal thinking and writing, and I love getting to know about others too! I also find these a great way to get to know new bloggers.

This time I was nominated by The Purple Guru. She is infertility blogger that I first met through twitter. I always enjoy her posts, and suspect others will too.

The rules for this award are pretty simple:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site DONE!
  • Put the award logo on your blog DONE!
  • Answer the ten questions the nominator has set you DONE!
  • Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer DONE!
  • Nominate ten people DONE!

My Answers:

What’s your favourite thing about blogging?

I have lots of favourite things about blogging.

I love the friendships I have made through blogging. I also love the sense of community and understanding. I love that I’m learning to express myself in a whole new way. Oh, and I love that people in the infertility/adoption blogging world “get it”.

What was the last thing you saw at the theatre and what did you think of it?

We maybe see one movie a year, and usually it’s a big blockbuster. The most recent movie we saw was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1. We really enjoyed the evening out and thought the movie was pretty good.

If this question is actually referring to live theatre then I will have to admit that I haven’t been to a show since 2010 when we went to two shows in NYC. We saw the Book of Mormon and Avenue Q. The Book of Mormon was good, but I absolutely loved Avenue Q, and still find myself signing the internet is for p@rn every now and again.

What’s left to do on your bucket list? Have you actually crossed anything off it yet?

I have never actually written out an actual bucket list. My approach has always been to do something that sounds like fun and have no regrets.

A list of completed bucket list type accomplishments have included:

  • Completing my undergraduate degree and master degree
  • Skydiving
  • Travelling and exploring the world – Thailand, Cambodia, Panama, Dominican Republic, Scandinavia, New Zealand, Peru, Mexico, New York, San Fransisco.

As for things I know I want to do one day:

  • Photo SourceI could go to virtually anywhere in the world and enjoy the sights and sounds – Iceland, Northern Canada / Alaska, Italy, South Africa are all high on my list right now.
  • I desperately want to be a mom.
  • I want a Vespa only because I think they are super cute and would be so much fun (this one is more of a want then anything else, I really cannot see myself spending a single penny on a toy that I can only use 3 or 4 months out of the year in a part of the world where winter seems to last forever.
  • I really want to find a job I love, that excited me 80% of the time.

Who is your embarrassing/weird celebrity crush?

I think I even may have even had this photo on my bedroom wall at one point.Since we cut cable I am so out of the loop on today’s popular celebrities. But, I can tell you that I loved Jonathan Taylor Thomas as a kid. I also thought Brian was the cutest Backstreet Boy.

Summer or Winter?

SUMMER!! Bring on the warm weather, sandals, long days of sunshine, fresh mojitos and summer barbeques! (P.S. it snowed here yesterday, I’m so over winter).

Beach/pool holiday doing nothing or running, jumping climbing trees somewhere completely random?

There is a place in my life for both a beach/pool holiday and an active/adventurous trip. I tend to get bored easily so sitting on a beach relaxing is a challenge for me. But, if someone were to offer me a free week on a beach, I would go in a heartbeat!

That said, at this point in my life, I much prefer the active and adventurous travel.  I am healthy and able bodied, so I would like to enjoy being active while I can.  Also, I think one of the benefits of not being responsible for children is that I can be slightly more adventurous.

Did you go to university? If so, what did you study and do you think that your degree has helped you in later life?

Yes I did go to university, twice actually. My first degree is a Bachelor of Arts, which I competed with distinction in 3.5 years. I went straight into my second degree which is much more specialized. (I know, that’s vague, but I’m in a pretty small industry so I’m not yet ready to share what I do).

My education has helped me develop very strong problem solving and researching skills, which I regularly apply to my personal life. I also became freakishly organized while at university, and apply that to almost everything I do now (except oddly enough my home office space is a disaster).

Also, my education propelled me into a high demand field, which also turned out to be high stress. This clearly helped my life by affording me a decent income and therefore a decent lifestyle. That said, I’ve done a very bad job of learning how to balance my personal life with the demands of my industry, and have only begun to start re-prioritizing.

How would you spend your ideal day, with no budget or time restrictions? (i.e. being able to jump countries or continents in an instant)

Go to Iceland and go on a safari in South Africa with Mr. MPB.  (Note, I am driving Mr. MPB crazy with my new ability to throw Iceland into almost any conversation, so this response is a bit of an inside joke between us).

What would you call your autobiography?

My Perfect Breakdown

Do you cook/bake from scratch? If so, do you have a signature dish?

I love to cook and bake from scratch – that’s the only way to do it!

The first meal I ever made Mr. MPB was tacos, at the time it was the only thing I knew how to make in tiny communal kitchen in our university dorms. I am happy to report that my repertoire has grown dramatically since then, and so has my collection of pots and pans (meaning I now own some). I make an awesome homemade hamburger. I also make great slow cooker chili (a post will be coming shortly with the recipe). About once a year I make a bunch of lasagna’s and manicotti from scratch to freeze for busy days. My go to breakfast meal is Belgian waffles and sometimes pancakes (never from a box mix because I cannot stand the amount of salt and sugar that are added to the mixes).

Waffles from last weekend.  Yummy.

Waffles from last weekend. Yummy.

My 10 Nominations Are:

This is always the hardest part of these things for me. So, today I’m going to try to feature blogs that I haven’t linked to in a while.

Starbucks, Peace and the Pursuit of a Baby

Adoption Concoction

Hound Mamas

My Brain’s Escape

Tales of a 30 Year Old Nothing

My Path To Mommyhood

While we Wait

The Great Pudding Club Hunt

Life’s Journey

The Sky and Back

Your Questions:

The exact same ones I answered. Have fun should you chose to participate!

If you like this post, please feel free to share it and please click the follow button on the side or return to to follow my journey.

30 Comments on “Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

  1. I LOVE Avenue Q!!!! I’m itching for it to come back so that I can see it again


  2. I love learning about you in these things! We’re away this weekend, so I’ll respond properly next week 😉


  3. It snowed here last night 😦

    Also, I love that you want to go to Iceland so badly! I also want to go to Northern Canada and Alaska. Funny how I hate winter so much, but snowmobiling and climbing glaciers are my idea of an awesome vacation lol


    • You are so right about the irony of hating winter and yet wanting to travel to places to play in the winter! It makes no sense, but I’m totally there with you! 🙂


  4. It’s always fun to learn about fellow bloggers with these things! Thanks for sharing a little more about you!


  5. Thank you for nominating me! I’ve always wanted to see avenue Q. Considering that I live 2 hours from NYC it’s kind of ridiculous that I haven’t seen more shows. Also, I’m with you on summer love. It snowed here, too, on Friday. So over it.


  6. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World bloggers Award | While We Wait

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