My Two Year Pregnancy Bubble

I have spent a few days this week curled up on the couch feeling pretty horrible. Not in the RPL emotional horrible way, but instead I’ve been feeling physically unwell.

I have a cold. 

Now, I know, a cold isn’t going to kill me.  But, it is going to make me grouchy and tired.

In my list of activities I did this week the furthest I’ve made it outside of the house is to the vet with my still sick puppy. We are hoping a course of antibiotics will get her stomach back into tip-top shape. I feel so useless when she is sick and I cannot fix it – it breaks my heart when my little puppy is sick (okay, I know, she’s not a puppy at 4.5 years old and she’s definitely not little at 86 lbs, but she is still my little puppy). So, taking her to the vet was the least I could do this week and had to be done regardless of my own cold. And, I hope we’ve got this fixed now. And, the good news is with the exception of her tummy, she also passed her yearly check-up with flying colours.

Anyways, back to my cold. This is probably the first cold I’ve had in a few years. In the last few years I have:

  • seen countless doctors,
  • had an unbelievable amount of tests completed,
  • had more blood drawn then a lab rat,
  • experienced multiple unpleasant in office procedures to remove products of pregnancy(ies),
  • had more doctors examine my private regions then I ever thought possible,
  • had 5 miscarriages,
  • had 2 surgeries.

Yet, through all of this, I have stayed generally healthy for the last few years. It seems as though our pregnancy bubble lifestyle has resulted in a healthier me. I attribute this to the fact that the pregnancy bubble includes:

  • Prenatal vitamins a daily basis,20140905 - The Two Year Pregnancy Bubble
  • Eating healthy and fresh foods,
  • Living healthy (biking, going for long walking, sleeping, etc.),
  • Complete removal of work stress from my life,
  • Reduced alcohol consumption,
  • No crack (okay, so I’ve never actually done any illegal drugs, but I find it funny that during our second miscarriage when I was talking to our family doctor about how to improve our chances for the next try, he suggested that really, the best thing I can do is avoid crack. He made me laugh, I needed that laugh).

Normal people live in the pregnancy bubble for about 40 weeks. We have now crossed over the 100 week mark – I think we are at 108 give or take a few. During a miscarriage, I tend to let my vitamins slide, but otherwise, we’ve been in the pregnancy bubble without question for nearly the entire 2 years. On a side note, I could have my dream of 2 babies by now if it weren’t for our unexplained recurrent pregnancy loss (but I won’t dwell on that right now).

I am sick and tired of the pregnancy bubble and the fact that doing everything single thing imaginable right has still resulted in 5 losses.  But, this week, I also discovered a new silver lining to this 2 yearlong pregnancy bubble.

I am really thankful that I have not had more colds.

I hate being sick. I hate waking up throughout the night coughing. I despise sniffling and sneezing all day long. I despise carrying a box of Kleenex around with me. I do not enjoy feeling useless camping out on the couch, sleeping on and off all day. I miss the real taste of food.  I hate having a constant scratch in my throat.

Although I’d take 1000 horrible colds any day over having had 5 miscarriages, today I realized that this “healthy” lifestyle we call the pregnancy bubble isn’t all that bad. I have found that my husband and I both resent the pregnancy bubble, but today for the first time I’m thinking the pregnancy bubble isn’t all bad if it’s been keeping me healthy.

So, here’s to the pregnancy bubble keeping me healthy and also to providing our next baby with the best chances possible.

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35 Comments on “My Two Year Pregnancy Bubble

  1. Hope you’re feeling better soon! If we were anywhere in the vicinity of each other I would bring you some of Young Living’s Thieves essential oil…you’d have that cold kicked within a day or two. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m afraid I’m going to jinx myself if I comment on this, but let’s just say I’ve experienced similar results! Catch has actually been sick twice and I avoided it both times! I was seriously impressed.


    • Oh, I hope you don’t jinx yourself! I hope you continue to stay healthy!
      My husband has also been sick a couple times in the last few years and I’ve completely avoided it. Interesting,eh?


  3. I’m so sorry you aren’t feeling well! In a weird way I think that picture of pills is pretty lol. I hope you feel better and get out of the pregnancy bubble soon.


  4. Hope you and your puppy feel better soon! I know the pregnancy bubble sucks, but it will all pay off one day soon. I really do believe that. Hang in there hon. Hugs ❤


  5. I totally get this. I just got so sick because I wasn’t taking care of myself and it’s the first time I’ve been sick in forever. I hope you feel better soon. Hugs.


  6. I totally agree with this as I have been the most ‘sick free’ during the past 4 years of trying to get pregnant. I was ill with the swine flu right before starting the pregnancy journey and again while pregnant with my triplets….bronchitis/sinus infection (but that was within the first trimester and there is really no great data on appropriate amounts of vitamins for multiples.) After going thru my recent illness, it made me re-appreciate staying healthy! (despite my pregnancy outcome 😦 )


    • I definitely like the staying healthy part of this, but have to agree that it completely sucks since we are yet to have a living child.
      But, I think no-matter how or when we end this journey, I will keep taking all sorts of vitamins. 🙂


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